Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day With New OptiBlue Light Filter

with new OptiBlue Light Filter

A NEW innovation in contact lens technology: the Oasys MAX 1-Day contact lenses. These lenses are designed to provide a comfortable, clear, and stable vision to those who wear them, making them an excellent choice for people with active lifestyles or those who need a reliable and comfortable vision correction solution.

One of the key features exclusive to Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day contact lenses is OptiBlue light filter, the highest level filter in a contact lens, filtering 60% of blue-violet light. With TearStable technology, the lenses lock in moisture throughout the lens and on the surface, to retain moisture and lubrication throughout the day, which in turn helps to reduce dryness and irritation that can be caused by prolonged wear. This also helps to maintain the stability of the lens, ensuring that it stays in place on the eye even during high-impact activities.

In addition to their advanced moisture retention and stability features, the Oasys MAX contact lenses also have a high oxygen transmissibility rate. This means that they allow a significant amount of oxygen to reach the eye, which is important for maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of complications that can occur with extended wear.

The Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day contact lenses are available in a range of spherical prescription powers and multifocal styles to suit a variety of vision correction needs.

Overall Acuvue Oasys MAX 1-Day contact lenses are a promising addition to the world of contact lens technology. Their advanced features, including TearStable technology, OptiBlue Light Filter and 100% UVB and 99.9% UVA protection, make them a top choice for those looking for a reliable and comfortable vision correction solution. If you're seeking more comfort and better protection in your contact lenses ask us about upgrading to new Acuvue Oasys MAX lenses.